Last Friday, I let my subscribers know about the new audio CD program that I put together with Dr. E. Hallowell about some of the positive aspects of ADD/ADHD. (It’s called: Magnificently Minded). This email created quite a buzz.
As an audio CD program, this program ‘competes’ with the music industry. So, when our program was being bought, Amazon was ranking it compared to the newest albums of Eric Clapton, Eminem, and Taylor Swift.
Now, I’d love to say that we sold more CDs than these superstars – but that’s not the case. We were, however, the 430th most popular CD last Friday. I took a screenshot with my iPhone (I was at work in my clinic, and wanted to capture the moment!). You can see the image here:
What’s all the buzz about with this program?
This is a program that helps to change your perspective on ADD/ADHD – in a positive way. You need to be able to see the positive in ADD/ADHD so that you can deal with the stigma and negativity that people often ‘throw’ at you or your loved one.
For many parents of kids or teens with ADHD, or many adults with
ADHD, it can be a daily grind. Regular challenges, occasional
victories, and a finish line that keeps on moving (you know what
I mean – just when you get things stable, there’s a new teacher
who messes everything up – or something like that).
It can also be helpful to look at ADD/ADHD in a new light.
A fresh perspective.
To see things in a new way – to help to motivate you, keep you
going, and to realize what’s possible.
That’s exactly the reason that Dr. Hallowell and I partnered up
to create a 2 CD set called: Magnificently Minded.
In this program, Dr. Hallowell shares 3 of his speeches/lectures
on the possible benefits and strengths which can be found in
ADD/ADHD. I provide discussion and interpretation to give you an
even deeper understand of the important lessons that you can
learn from Dr. Hallowell’s sessions.
These CD’s don’t try to say that ADD is a gift that everyone
would want to have… they share with you how a positive
perspective can make a difference for your child or teen with
ADD/ADHD, or for yourself if you’re an adult with ADD.
In this program, Dr. Hallowell shares:
* The ADD Soliloquy: This is a speech about ADD from the
perspective of a young boy. This funny session gives you
insight into how a child with ADD/ADHD perceives the world.
Dr. Hallowell’s talent is providing you great insights with
a witty sense of humor. You’ll laugh as you gain a deeper
understanding of how ADD works in a child’s mind. And if
you’re an adult with ADD – you’ll learn something about
yourself too
* The Society of the Magnificently Minded: Dr. Hallowell gave
a gradation speech to the graduating class of the school
Eagle Hill a few years ago. It’s a school for kids who learn
differently. It was so inspiring that it created quite a
buzz in the worlds of ADD and learning disabilities. This is
your chance to hear Dr. Hallowell read the speech – and to
benefit from its insights and inspiration…
* What’s it like to have ADD: In this session, Dr. Hallowell
combines his experiences as an adult with ADD, as well as
his experience as an expert in the field for more than 20
years to give you a perspective which is thorough, helpful
and inspiring.
Throughout the CD’s, I’m honored to discuss Dr. Hallowell’s
sessions, and to help you to take the insights even deeper.
For those of you who don’t know him, Dr. Hallowell is one of the
best selling authors on ADD/ADHD, and is a Boston area
Psychiatrist who is not only an expert in ADD, but has ADD and a
learning disability himself.
So, what can you get from these CD’s if you decide to get a copy?
You’ll get top notch ADD/ADHD education, which is humorous and
I wanted to share it with you today, because it was quite the buzz on Amazon last week (even though we didn’t beat Clapton, Eminem and Swift ).
Dr. Kenny
p.s. if you feel that you could use some humor and inspiration
around ADD/ADHD, check out this program today…
(And feel free to pass this message along to anyone else who you
think could benefit from it)