Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Today I received a confirmation letter from the hospital stating that Jacob has signs of Aspergers Syndrome and may benefit from a new form of treatment.  I am skeptical but thought I would research some alternatives to medication and found this great book.  The Parenting Asperger's Resource Guide was a great source of information on this disorder and I found some great parenting strategies that have seemed to work already.  Hopefully you never have to experience the extent of parenting a child with ADHD and Asperger's syndrome as we do, and I am always encouraged by reading other's stories of success and failure.  This gives me hope that we are at least working towards a manageable solution.

Have you purchased this book?  If so, please feel free to respond with your own review and tell me what you liked or didn't like about the articles and tips.  If you like, you can also include your story to help others understand why you may or may not have liked the information contained in this book.
The Parenting Asperger's Resource Guide